When you have a highly diverse board of directors it’s often difficult to ensure that all opinions are considered and respected. The more you respect your board members their time and expertise and knowledge, the more likely they are to take part in discussions. This is where organizing the agenda, early distribution, a smart time of the meeting, and easy access to all required resources can make a difference.

It is essential to have a clear line communication with your board beyond the formal setting of a board meeting is also crucial. It keeps bad news and other issues from being discussed for the first time during an event and can help to create a sense of unity among directors. In addition, allowing for brief diversions in the board room can keep meetings productive and on course.

Limiting the number of subjects that can be discussed at meetings is a great way to improve the efficiency of your board meetings. The importance of focusing on two issues at each meeting helps keep the discussion on track and encourages more meaningful conversations.

One of the most frequent complaints from board members is when a conversation veers off topic or is lead by one person over the course of. This can be a problem particularly if a board member has spent a lot of time preparing for their agenda only to discover that their attention is diverted by other topics that are not related to the agenda.

You can eliminate lengthy reports and other routine items. Encourage officers and committee chairs to distribute summary bullet points prior to the meeting. This will allow for more time to focus on strategic discussions without the requirement that board members listen to lengthy presentations.


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